July 15, 2008

I’m a millennial and proud of it.

Posted in Uncategorized at 2:36 pm by SD

I’m a millennial and proud of it. Not a day goes by when I don’t read an article or at least see a headline about millennials (anyone born between 1980 – 1994) in the workplace. According to a recent PRWeek article, there are 75 million of us out there in the U.S. alone and we are quickly making a name for ourselves. Unfortunately, it isn’t always a good one. So, today I am going to take a minute and recognize all of the good things we bring to the table.

We’re a digital generation.

We text, keep in touch via facebook, myspace and linkedin, ichat, email and use the web to get our news all at the same time. Since when is multi-tasking to make more efficient use of our time such a bad thing? Rather than wasting 10 minutes to walk down the hall and have a conversation, we get in done via email in two minutes while accomplishing a multitude of other tasks. You call it impersonal. We call it efficient. Trust me, when it’s appropriate, we’ll take that 10 minutes and walk down the hall but the rest of the time, we’ll be busy accomplishing a thousand things at once!

We seek a stimulating work environment.

Change excites us. We seek out a challenge and once we conquer it, we want another and another. Doing the same task day after day is a bore but throw us a curve ball and you’ve got us hooked. The quest for stimulating work doesn’t warrant the classification of flaky or unreliable, rather it makes us driven and motivated. We always want to be better people and we will never be satisfied with the status quo so take advantage of that and push us to our limits. Challenge us to use our minds and think outside the box. I promise you’ll see great things.

We value work-life balance.

Our lives are full. We find satisfaction in volunteering, spending time with our friends and family, joining clubs, being outdoors and pursuing our passions. We love life and want to experience it all. For us, life expands beyond spending our days in our cubicle. This isn’t a bad thing. A well-balanced employee is a happy employee. Our experiences allow us to bring new perspectives to projects and give us a broader world view. Offer us the chance to have a life and I promise, you’ll see the reward.

Today, let’s be proud of who we are and embrace all we have to offer the world. We are going to accomplish great things over the next 50 years.

I’m a millennial and proud of it!


  1. […] is a huge advantage for us as PR practitioners and Millenials (refer to Shannon’s post about this phenomenon), because we have an inate ability to converse with a younger newsroom and […]

  2. […] to hire people that can get you where you want to be than people who have been there before.” Passionate people build great brands, and passion is contagious. Experience and reason leads to rationale […]

  3. […] to hire people that can get you where you want to be than people who have been there before.” Passionate people build great brands, and passion is contagious. Experience and reason lead to rational conclusions, […]

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